Coats: New fabric with thermal resistance and...

New fabric with thermal resistance and metal-shedding properties


A new product targeting the personal protection sector is being launched by the industrial thread manufacturer Coats Plc., Uxbridge/UK. FlamePro Splash Protect is a flame and heat resistant protective fabric engineered to be lightweight, soft and flexible while maintaining durability for long lasting wear.
The fabric is specifically designed to incorporate thermal resistance and metal-shedding properties which protects against radian heat, flame, metal molten splash and other smelting hazards. The satin feel of the fabric gives it softness and comfort yet it can also withstand molten aluminum at a temperature of up to 760°C. It is anticipated main uses would be by aluminum, iron and steel manufacturers as well as foundries.
FlamePro Splash Protect is one of the first commercial launches of a product developed at the recently opened series of Coats Innovation Hubs. The 3 dedicated centers in the USA, China and Turkey enable Coats to collaborate with a range of innovation partners including customers, brands, suppliers, universities and start-ups.

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